patient review

Celebrating Jordan's new smile!

October 31st, 2012

Today we wanted to celebrate another wonderful smile from our patient Jordan. He recently got his braces off and we were there to capture the moment.

Take a look at this video of Jordan getting to feel and see his new teeth. Dr. Daniel Ma and his team take pride in being a part of your family and look forward to these moments with each of our patients. Enjoy our video and be sure to find us on Facebook for more fun videos and information about our practice!

Congratulations Benny!

October 8th, 2012

At the office of Dr. Daniel Ma, we love to make our patients smile! Our practice is known for providing quality orthodontic care in a friendly and family-oriented environment. Our orthodontist and staff strive to be honest and forthcoming with patients about all their options and their progress during treatment. We want your experience with us to be memorable!

One of our wonderful patients, Benny, just celebrated getting his braces off and we wanted to share his experience with you. Take a look at this video and connect with us on Facebook!

Congratulations on getting your braces off!

August 7th, 2012

Dr. Daniel Ma and his team understand that getting your braces off is a huge achievement for both Dr. Ma and his patient. After all, it takes dedication on the part of the patient to take proper care of their braces and keep regular appointments to ensure progress with their orthodontic treatment.

Here's a great new video of our patient who just got her braces removed. Congratulations Gigi your teeth look amazing and we love seeing you smile!

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